The Slime That’s Taking Over Our Water Supply


Riggs Eckelberry reports weekly on issues facing the water industry. Here, he discusses what’s lurking in our water supply — and what we can do to stop it. To hear, watch, and chat with Riggs live, sign up by clicking HERE.

Did you know that there’s a difference between “statistically safe” water and “completely” safe” water?

You can guess which standard centralized water systems aim for…

Biofilm sludge in everyday water filters.

On top of selling filters and membranes, our service team does repairs of drinking water systems that have been in place in, for example, hotels and resorts.

When they go on site and remove the old filters, the service crew often extract a damaged, corroded, and filthy filter that’s been in place too long. And these have, essentially, biofilm sludge and slime built up on them, oozing from both ends of it… Gross, right?

We’re drinking that.

Slimy colonies of bacteria are living in our water! Not good…

That is the water that people are actually drinking from, and that is what’s in place everywhere.

All too common…

When it comes to biofilms in drinking water systems, it’s very common to see public drinking water supply systems succumb to the effects of pollution and the formation of biofilms — and with that, potential disease. Very unfortunate, but it is the nature of what we’re dealing with.

Statistically safe vs. completely safe.

That’s where we get statistically safe vs. completely safe. Statistically safe means that this drinking water quality meets an established water standard relative to safety. Public water distribution systems (or your local water utility company) generally provide reliable, consistent drinking water service. It is for the most part “statistically safe.”

However, that does not mean it’s completely safe. They are two completely different terms…

It’s not completely safe.

The underlying issue that plagues most larger, centralized, potable water utilities is the simple fact that it is nearly impossible to provide “completely safe” drinking water. Pathogens are very small and have a natural “survival” capability, such as using biofilm protection.

Failing infrastructure — again.

This almost always boils down to failing infrastructure. These centralized systems that were built in the 1950s simply cannot handle the level that’s needed today. They’re lagging behind. And on top of that, they’re deteriorating, and they’re underfunded.

Protection with decentralization.

This is where decentralization comes in. You set someone up with, say, a reverse-osmosis water filtration system like we have, right? And that physically removes all those little particles — like bacteria and pathogens — that we don’t want in our water.

So, before that “statistically safe” — or worse, totally unsafe water — gets into your home or business, you’ve cleaned it yourself. You’ve ensured that it really is truly clean, instead of hoping the public system does it for you…

Clean water everywhere you go.

That’s why we’re working so hard on setting up Water On Demand™, so that people or companies who otherwise couldn’t afford to treat their water can. That hotel you’re going to for your vacation or that restaurant you love, they can give you clean, safe water. They’re no longer reliant on municipalities that are either inadequately serving them or simply refusing to.

A breakthrough.

And that’s really, really a breakthrough. Not only for companies to be self-sufficient but for people to take their health into their own hands.

We have a lot of plans in place to make this a reality. I encourage you to get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you, and we’ve got a lot of great stuff going on.

The best way to stay up to date.

You can hear more stories like the one above and discover the financial benefits of decentralized water when you join me on my weekly WATER IS THE NEW GOLD™ Live CEO Briefing each Thursday night.

You can register for the event by clicking here now.

I look forward to having you join me there. Also, while we’re live together, there will be a chat feature that will allow you to ask me questions directly.

Yours In Water,

Riggs Eckelberry
President & CEO
OriginClear, Inc.

PS: Questions? We’re happy to help! Just schedule a call here now: Or email us here.



OriginClear - The Clean Water Innovation Hub™

As infrastructure continues to fail, CEO Riggs Eckelberry reports on the Second Water Revolution, and how OriginClear is pioneering the new decentralization.